Delivery within Edmonton, Sherwood Park & St. Albert city limits is $15.95 + GST
The $15.95 delivery charge is not included in the price of the bouquet. Deliveries to areas outside the city will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Best Buds will contact any customers requesting deliveries outside the city limits to confirm pricing. Delivery times are subject to change.
Some conditions apply:
● Phone number must be provided for recipient. ● We must call ahead to confirm delivery time and address. ● Flowers cannot be left with neighbours or on steps in extreme cold/heat.
● Additional delivery attempts may result in extra charges. ● Please check with hospital policy on receiving flowers before placing your order.
In support of local community causes, Best Buds Flower Co. has designed, with the creative hands of Kimberly's Mom, a gorgeous crochet heart that you can purchase for a donation that will go directly to the cause listed below.