Custom Creation to make them say "WOW" Kindly Note: While our roses are currently sold out, our skilled floral designers are ready to craft a stunning bouquet from our exquisite selection of available blooms, guaranteed to impress and delight.


A different dozen puts a modern spin on the sentiment of the traditional dozen roses. Colours will vary weekly. Perfect for any occasion.


Send a dozen roses, but choose the favourite colour of your friend or love. Colours may include: yellow, pink, white, or yellow with red tips. While supplies last.


A different dozen puts a modern spin on the sentiment of the traditional dozen roses. Colours will vary weekly. Perfect for any occasion.


Roses with a romantic fairytale twist! Give something a little different this special occasion.


Send a dozen roses, but choose the favourite colour of your friend or love. Colours may include: yellow, pink, white, or orange. While supplies last.


A wonderful arrangement of roses, orchids, and gerbera dasies. This arrangement is brought to life by a heart shape background!